STAT-X Fire Aerosol system which
is the Newest Technology in Fire Fighting fields where all Fighting systems extinguishment
involves either removing the fuel from the fire, limiting oxygen or removing
the heat but Stat-x working with a new technology through condensed Aerosol and
break up uninhibited chain reaction of the combustion process by removing the
active species involved in the flame chain reaction. It extinguishes fire
without depleting oxygen , It is the preferred choice in applications
including, but not limited to, control centers, museums, server, archive rooms,
gold and diamond mines, telecommunications networks, television stations,
electrical industrial panels, plant/equipment rooms, oil field installations,
electrical transformer substations, electrical panels, cabinets and many more.
Some of the main advantages that Stat-x systems offer vis-Ă -vis gaseous systems include
1. Far
easier installation-No piping, pressure cylinders, special supports or valves are
required, thus reducing installation time, installation and labor costs
2. Cost
effectiveness – Stat-x systems are less expensive compared to most other gaseous
systems making these more attractive to the end user.
3. Easy
maintenance without the need for pressure testing, weighing, pressure/leak
detection, etc.
4. Tremendous
space saving as the space required is only a fraction of the space needed for
5. Stat-x
systems design calculations are based on
uncomplicated parameters resulting in simplified design calculations.