C O is leader in the developing of Fire hose cabinet and safety cabinets ,Manufacturing has set the industry standard for high quality fire Hose cabinets for fire Protection. The created cabinet design incorporating improved convenience and safety features.

Our cabinet product line is designed and manufactured to best meet the ever-changing needs of today’s business, industrial and laboratory environments. All of our Hose cabinets available in different sizes.

S a f e t y  C a b i n e t   f e a t u r e s  i n c l u d e :

Reinforced wall construction on sides, top, bottom, back and doors, Lead-free, high-gloss, Nickel hinges or others , warning labels, Surface mounted door handle with Nickel key lock.

It has different styles of doors and different types of cabinets such as wall mounted (Surface, Recessed, Semi -Recessed) type beside that we developing as per architecture Engineer requirement.

H o s e  R e e l  D r u m :

Manufactured from steel under presses to give it enough strength to hold the weight of the hose. The outer edge rolled over to give a safe handling edge on the outer rims and better appearance.

q 124 Minutes Fire Rated Cabinets are available with 1.1/1.25 /1.5 / 2 mm Steel & Stainless Steel Thickness.

q  The Cabinet is built using a Double wall construction method, Thermal insulation is sandwiched between an outer sheet steel wall and the inner sheet steel One and the Cabinet is finished in a high quality epoxy coating or Stainless Steel with High Quality Gr. 304.

q The cabinets designed to withstand Fire/High Temperature for two Hours under temperature 750 C (1382 F).

     G    C O Provide its Unique Product (G E N T E C) manual swinging hose reels , SERIES GEN-MSP-G which designed for fire fighting purposes only and According to EN671 and EN694 Standard.

Ø  Fire hose is 30m Length and 25mm Diameter.

Ø  Fire Hose is according to EN 671-1:2012 Standard.

Ø  Rigid Swing Arm join between Angle valve and Hose Reel.

Ø  Pressure Gauge built in Hose Reel to confirm Water Existing in Fire Hose as visual test.

Ø  Bronze Nozzle -rotary operated jet/spray - EN 671-1.

Ø  Fire Hose WP 100 PSI , BP 300 PSI .

Ø  Hose reel Supply with Brass hose valve 25mm LPCB certified .

 G    C O Provide G E N T E C Fire Hose Reel with LPCB Approved ,  Certificate Number: 1038ARa.